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Datavend Ltd.
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Datavend Ltd.
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#3603 din 3603 de Companii din Electronice & IT
Membru Gratuit din 2013
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Datavend Ltd. Datavend Ltd. +359 2 955 1919 Street Vsevolod Garshin Nr. 8, Sofia, Bulgaria, -
Produse si servicii

electronic telemetry devices and software for the vending industry

Tipul companiei


Piata de desfacere

Europa Centrala/Est

Nr. angajati

mai putin de 5

Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2013!
Datavend is a Bulgarian manufacturer of electronic telemetry devices provided with our own software specially designed for the vending industry.
Integrating and connecting hardware for data collection with our global servers, gives opportunity for real time monitoring and statistical analysis of vending machine sales.

A subsidiary of Verdico Distribution Services, a leading vending operator in Bulgaria since 1997, Datavend is specialised in introducing new technologies that simplify things for your business. Working in partnership with leading European suppliers of vending products such as Luigi Lavazza, Rhea Vendors, Comestero Group, Barry Callebaut and SEDA Solubles, Verdico is a supplier and partner to more than 800 companies operating over 6000 vending machines in Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Ukraine and Georgia.
Datavend obtained broad country coverage by using of new SIM cards from Austria Telekom integrated in our control box.

Our partnership with Austria Telekom gives opportunity for usage of our control boxes in whole European Union and East Europe without need of pre-setiing configuration. Each control box can be used in following countries:
- All EU Countries
- Belarus
- Croatia
- Macedonia
- Serbia
- Albania
- Armenia
- Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Kosovo    
- Moldova    
- Montenegro
- Russia
- Turkey
- Ukraine
For more information about our products and services, please visit our web site:


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Din Gura in Gura